
"I want to make the world a better place. One of the ways I do that is through writing picture books."

- Taylor Girard

Member + Volunteer

Active member of SCBWI & volunteer/leader of bi-monthly PBBreakdowns via the Southern Breeze Region.

2023 Honorable Mention

Uh-Oh Bella took home Honorable Mention for SCBWI's 2023 Rising Kite Award out of 147 contestants.

ADDY Awards Winner

Winner of Gold & Silver ADDYs as writer for both commercial and industrial videos, one of which was a regional win.

National Contest Finalist

3rd place contestant and prize money winner for a national, 30-second commercial contest.

PB Breakdowns

Creator and facilitator of SCBWI Southern Breeze's PB Breakdowns which was specifically designed to help everyone learn from the best. Imagine getting lessons from the best picture book authors who have won awards, published dozens of books and sold countless copies. Yeah. It's kinda like that.

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